您目前瀏覽作者為 Laurie George Busuttil, Vahagn Asatryan, Susan Van Weelden, Grace de Gelder 的商品

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Homeland Foods: Fruit to be Shared
作者姓名:Laurie George Busuttil, Vahagn Asatryan, Susan Van Weelden, Grace de Gelder
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W25547
出版日期:2022/05/06內容長度:8 頁

In January 2022, a partner in Homeland Foods was identifying Canadian distribution channels through which to launch dried fruit products from his company based in Armenia. He needed to identify the most appropriate initial target market, select the most effective distribution channel(s), and develop an effective marketing strategy. Distribution channels under consideration included general grocery stores, ethnic food stores, natural food stores, gourmet .....more